Storing sports equipment correctly - our guide

Fahrradausrüstung richtig lagern

Do you know this? You come back from an exciting ski tour, throw your equipment in the corner and think: “I'll deal with that later.” But before you know it, the next season is just around the corner and your beloved sports equipment has been neglected. Don't worry, we've all been there! In this guide, we share practical tips on how to optimally care for and store your equipment.

Caring for your equipment before storage: the basics

Thorough cleaning

The basis of all good care is thorough cleaning after use. Remove dirt and sweat from your equipment. For technical textiles, we recommend using special detergents without fabric softener. Wash them at low temperatures between 30 and 40°C and do not use the spin cycle.

For shoes, it is advisable to remove the insoles and clean them separately. Stubborn dirt can be easily removed with a soft brush. Metal parts should be wiped with a damp cloth and dried immediately to prevent rust from forming.

Dry properly before storage

Before you store your equipment, let it air dry completely. A well-ventilated, shady place is ideal for this. A useful tip for wet shoes: stuff them with newspaper. The paper absorbs the moisture effectively and also helps to maintain the shape of the shoe.

Packing equipment

Breathable bags or boxes are best for packing your equipment. A clever tip is to use silica gel packets in the storage boxes. These absorb excess moisture and provide additional protection for your equipment.

The storage location for your sports equipment

Choosing the right storage location plays a major role in the longevity of your equipment. Find a cool, dry place to store it. Temperatures between 15 and 20°C with a relative humidity of 40 to 60% are ideal. Constant temperature and humidity are important for storage. The attic is therefore not a suitable place to store your sports equipment. If you are unsure, check the humidity with a hygrometer.

Tips for our favorite sports

Bike und Ausrüstung richtig lagern

Bike care: How to keep your bike in top shape

For cyclists, bike care is the main focus. You should clean the chain with a dry cloth after every ride. Every 200 to 300 kilometers, it is worth cleaning the chain with a chain cleaner and then re-oiling it. Check the tire pressure before every ride. For longer periods of storage, it is advisable to inflate the tires to the maximum pressure to avoid deformation. Special care should be taken with carbon frames - avoid clamp stands as these can damage the frame. Our tip for ambitious cyclists: keep a maintenance diary for your bike. Make a note of mileage, maintenance work carried out and parts replaced.

Ski- und Snowboardausrüstung richtig lagern

Skis and snowboards: perfect care for your winter sports equipment

For winter sports enthusiasts, care begins immediately after the last use of the season. Clean the running surfaces of your skis or snowboard after each use and dry the edges to prevent rust.

Tipp: «Apply a thick layer of wax to the treads before the summer break without ironing them out. This protects the surface from drying out and ensures an optimum start to the next season.»

Tobi, CEO at placeB and a passionate skier, who is also quick to hit the slopes between meetings
Kletterausrüstung richtig lagern

Climbing equipment: proper care for maximum safety

For climbers, equipment care is not only a question of longevity, but above all of safety. Wash your climbing ropes every 40 to 50 days of use or when they are heavily soiled. Use lukewarm water and special rope detergents. When drying, you should spread the ropes out or roll them up very loosely.

Clean the snap mechanism of the carabiner regularly with compressed air and oil it lightly. It is important to check the seams and loops of the climbing harness for wear and tear. Wash it by hand with mild soap. Don't forget to check your via ferrata set too - check the brake rope for damage and pay attention to the expiration date.

An important safety tip: Replace your climbing rope after seven years or 200 days of use at the latest, even if it still looks good on the outside.

Taucherausrüstung richtig lagern

Diving equipment: optimal care for underwater adventures

Equipment care is particularly important for divers. You should rinse the regulator in fresh water for at least two minutes after every dive. Make sure that no water enters the first stage.

When caring for your wetsuit, it is advisable to turn it inside out after rinsing and leave it to dry in the shade. Special neoprene shampoos are suitable for thorough cleaning.

You should rinse your dive computer with fresh water, dry it carefully and store it with a charged battery. The buoyancy compensator needs a thorough rinse inside and out. Don't forget to regularly check the O-rings on your equipment for cracks or deformation and replace them if necessary.

Professional storage for your sports equipment

For many athletes, the question of the right storage location arises at some point, especially when space at home is limited. It's worth looking into various solutions that guarantee optimal conditions for your valuable sports equipment.

For sports enthusiasts, placeB offers storage rooms with perfect conditions for your equipment. For example in Sion, surrounded by ski resorts, bike routes and climbing paradises. Our storage units offer you all the space you need, from a single snowboard to complete sports equipment for the whole family.